Saturday, March 22, 2014

Premium Beautiful Elegance

Company has launched the NEW set of Premium Beautiful on November 9, 2013. This set is called the Premium Beautiful Elegance.

Unique features of this new set:

* Charming gray color.
* A softer fabric.
* Design is more beautiful.
* The front lace converted into embroidery lace with more elegant lace pattern.
* All benefits such as fat reposition, FIR, body reshaping are still the same.

Inovasi Baru
  • Menawan dengan kontur badan yang memukau
  • Keselesaan dan kebolehubahan penuh dengan fabrik yang meregang 360°
  • Fabrik yang sangat bermutu tinggi membenarkan peredaran udara yang baik dan mengurangkan kepanasan
  • Selamat secara ergonomik di mana rekaan yang anggun dan inovatif dengan sinaran infra merah menggalakkan peredaran darah.

The front part of Premium Beautiful Elegance with the beautiful finishing. The embroidery lace is used on the long bra, waist nipper and long girdle.

For Premium Beautiful Classic or Elegance price and promo just call/sms/whatsapp 
