Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Bizz: Book Your Appointment NOW!

Alhamdulillah, sebab terlalu banyak sangat permintaan di luar jangkaan, saya cadangkan pada yang nak tahu pasal Premium Beautiful or nak tau what kind of business that I'm into please CALL or SMS me. Senang nak track down sms anda call. Email terlalu banyak sampai tak terbalas. Maaf ye...

3 perkara that u need to inform me:

  • Nama 
  • Kerja kat mana 
  • Tinggal mana 

So that it would be easier for me to arrange appointment nanti :D You can book you appointment terus

Monday to Sunday

9am to 10pm


any place

CALL 0192677058